Religiosity on University Campuses in Africa: Trends and Experiences
- Les routes de l'Islam : anthropologie politique de l'islamisation de l'Afrique de l'Ouest en général et du pays Hawsa en particulier du VIIIè au XIXè siècle
Islam, sociétés et politique en Afrique subsaharienne : les exemples du Sénégal, du Niger et du Nigeria
Boko Haram : parti pour durer
Islamic Reform in Twentieth-Century Africa
- Le phénomène Boko Haram : au-delà du radicalisme
- Transnational Islam: Circulation of Religious Ideas, Actors and Practices between Niger and Nigeria
- The Politics of Islam in the Sahel: Between Persuasion and Violence
- The Projection of Saudi Arabian Influence in West Africa
- Religious actors and politics in Nigeria, towards which post-covid-19 trend?
Projecting Life: Boko, Learning and Religiosity at a University in West Africa
- The Strength in the Song: Muslim Personhood, Audible Capital, and Hausa Women's Performance of the Hajj
- Of Headhunters and Cannibals: Migrancy, Labor, and Consumption in the Mawri Imagination
- Shari'a as De-Africanization: Evidence from Hausaland
- The Political & Economic Effects of Nigerian "Shari'a" on Southern Niger
- Communautés islamiques et collectivité nationale dans trois États d'Afrique occidentale
- Performing Religiosity: Protest and Prayer Performance in a Nigerian University
- Introduction: Studying Islamic dynamics from a Niger-Nigeria transnational perspective
- Reformist Islam, the state, and Muslims of Nigeria and the Republic of Niger
- Islamic legal radicalism: The cases of Katsina and Maradi
- Islamic NGOs in Niger and Nigeria
- ‘Rapping Islam’: The Nigérien music scene and the challenges of religious reformism
- Pastoralism and Islamic practice in Fulɓe communities of northern Nigeria and Niger
- The spread of jihadist insurrections in Niger and Nigeria: An analysis based on the case of Boko Haram
- Boko Haram's recruitment processes: Ideological and pragmatic considerations