Academic Article
"These Are Dirty Times": Transformations of Gendered Spaces and Islamic Ritual Protection in Tuareg Herbalists' and Marabouts' "Albaraka" Blessing Powers
- Title
- "These Are Dirty Times": Transformations of Gendered Spaces and Islamic Ritual Protection in Tuareg Herbalists' and Marabouts' "Albaraka" Blessing Powers
- list of authors
- Susan J. Rasmussen
- Abstract
- This essay examines the dangers and possibilities, in times of transformation, for the practice of Islamic blessing powers called albaraka by women and men ritual specialists and other leaders among the Tuareg of Niger and Mali, West Africa. Sociopolitical dynamics challenge some arrangements that have underwritten traditional albaraka power. In this scenario, prominent men and women who protect and mediate the Tuareg world from threatening outsiders draw on this force in diverse ways.
- Journal
- Journal of Ritual Studies
- volume
- 18
- issue
- 2
- page start
- 43
- page end
- 60
- Date
- 2004
- Language
- Anglais
- Type
- Article de revue
- Subject
- Mali
- Marabout
- gender
- rite
- Tuareg
- Spatial Coverage