Counter-terrorism has to be transborder and address root causes : joint efforts key as jihadist violence spills over into Burkina Faso, Benin and Niger
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- Title
- Counter-terrorism has to be transborder and address root causes : joint efforts key as jihadist violence spills over into Burkina Faso, Benin and Niger
- list of authors
- Papa Sow
- Abstract
- The spiral of violence in the Sahel is threatening to engulf the biosphere reserve in the cross-border territory shared by Burkina Faso, Benin and Niger. The rising violence is causing massive displacement and all three countries should respond jointly by mobilising and coordinating state armed forces to protect affected populations. But a joint military response is not enough. The three states should also collaborate to address the root causes of the insecurity: the land and pastoralism crisis; inconsistency in the distribution of forest resources; and a poorly integrated approach to managing the biosphere reserve.
- Publisher
- The Nordic Africa Institute
- Provenance
- Uppsala
- issue
- 6
- Date
- October 14, 2022
- Language
- Anglais
- Type
- Rapport
- Subject
- terrorism
- Jihadism