o:id 5126 url https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/5126 o:resource_template Journal article o:resource_class bibo:AcademicArticle dcterms:title Cyclone post-électoral : la production de la violence en Côte d'Ivoire dcterms:publisher https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/25082 dcterms:date 2011 dcterms:type https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/8475 dcterms:identifier https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q113531110 Q113531110 iwac-reference-0000109 dcterms:language https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/8355 dcterms:abstract Cet article revient sur les événements issus du second tour des élections présidentielles du 28 novembre 2010, lesquels ont replongé la Côte d'Ivoire dans le spectre de la guerre civile. Le texte est à la fois un engagement dans la dénonciation des exactions commises par les forces loyales au président sortant Laurent Gbagbo et un essai d'analyse des mécanismes des violences en cours. This paper comes back on the events which followed the second round of the Ivorian presidential election of 28 November 2010 and which plunged the country once again into the spectre of a civil war. The text is both a public engagement to denounce the many abuses committed by the forces loyal to the outing president Laurent Gbagbo, and an attempt at analysis of the mechanisms at play in the production of the current violence. dcterms:spatial https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/298 bibo:authorList https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/1296 bibo:doi https://doi.org/10.4000/jda.5920 10.4000/jda.5920 bibo:issue 124 125 bibo:pageEnd 380 bibo:pageStart 373 --