o:id 28681 url https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/28681 o:resource_template Newspaper article o:resource_class bibo:Article dcterms:title Last Monday at Lomé II : Togo Muslim Women, Pastors and Evangelists support President Eyadèma's peace policy dcterms:creator https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/28050 https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/28009 dcterms:subject https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/2128 https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/36 https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/457 dcterms:publisher https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item-set/5499 dcterms:contributor https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/858 dcterms:date 2003-11-12 dcterms:identifier iwac-article-0005965 dcterms:abstract The Pastors and Evangelists of some charismatic churches called on the Head of State, Gnassingbé Eyadèma last Monday afternoon at Lome II. dcterms:spatial https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/544 bibo:content The Pastors and Evangelists of some charismatic churches called on the Head of State, Gnassingbé Eyadèma last Monday afternoon at Lome II. Earlier in the morning, President Eyadèma received Togo Muslim Women’s Associations Movement. Both groups went to the President of Republic to testify their full adhesion to his policy of peace, security and socio-economic rebuilding as well as their gratitude for the particular attention he grants to their religion throughout the country. The followers of Muhammad seized the opportunity of this period of Ramadan fasting to pay a visit to the President of Republic. On the occasion, the Muslim women through their spokeswoman, Mrs Rahoudatou Ouro-Gouni, underscored that the whole Muslim community in Togo is conscious of the great endeavours of President Eyadèma in favour of the social, economic and political rebuilding of our country. They then besought Allah to bless President Eyadèma, his family, his Government and his closest collaborators. They did not fail to request the Almighty to protect him and grant him long life. Afterwards, they prayed God to lead the Head of State in his efforts for the development of Togo which he likes so much since he is governing it. In response, the President of Republic first of all welcomed them in his residence which according to him, is also theirs. He then congratulated through them the entire Muslim community on the righteousness which they display in their worship and encourage them to continue on this way that is the one of God. He particularly advised them to develop more love, forgiveness and good understanding. To conclude, President Eyadèma requested them to avoid revenge. “For all we are doing on this earth, there is a Supreme Judge, God who knows who is wrong and who is right”, he ended. On their part, the Pastors of charismatic churches said to have paid a visit to the Head of State so as to express their gratitude to him for his polity of peace, security and stability. According to their spokesman, Pastor Koffi Houzouké of the Christian Assembly Church, this peaceful atmosphere enables them to go about their occupation as Pastors called upon to preach the word of God. On the occasion, they expressed their full adhesion to the President of Republic’s policy of peace throughout the continent and especially in the West African Sub-Region. The Pastors said to believe that where there is peace, there is the will of God and whoever fights for peace is inspired by God and blessed by Him. So, as men of God, noted the release, they have to uphold the Head of State’s choice or decision to promote peace. The Pastors pleaded for love and tolerance by quoting Romans chapter 12, verse 17-18 “Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as it depends on you, live peaceably with all men”. In response to the Pastors, President Eyadèma urged them to preach unity among all believers. “Whether Catholic, Evangelic or Muslim, we are all one people, people of God”, said President Eyadèma. Besides, the Head of State invited the Pastors to bring their contribution to the national rebuilding and never lose sight of the social and humanitarian dimension of their duty. It will be noted that on the occasion the Pastors promised to award the highest honorific distinction of their church to President Eyadèma at the end of the year 2003 for his endeavours in favour of peace. Celestine Tanty AGBONON & Godwin Kotè AGUETON bibo:numPages 1 bibo:pages 8 --