o:id 12815 url https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/12815 o:resource_template Report o:resource_class bibo:Report dcterms:title Non-State Armed Groups and Illicit Economies in West Africa: JNIM dcterms:publisher ACLED dcterms:date 2023-10-18 dcterms:type https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/8596 dcterms:identifier https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q123234066 Q123234066 iwac-reference-0000799 dcterms:language https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/8322 dcterms:abstract This is the first in a joint series of publications by ACLED and the GI-TOC profiling non-state armed groups in West Africa and exploring the intersections between their involvement in illicit economies and the provision of governance. The series brings new material and updated analyses using the ACLED database and qualitative research, examining how armed groups survive in their political and economic environments. Each paper will examine the evolution, structure and tactics of armed groups, as well as their transnational relationships, means of financing, and governance practices. The series will offer a closer look at Jama’at Nusrat al-Islam wal-Muslimin (JNIM), bandit groups in north-western Nigeria and Ambazonian separatists in Cameroon, with a summative paper reflecting on broader findings. dcterms:spatial https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/283 https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/546 https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/540 https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/544 bibo:authorList https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/1259 https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/2086 https://islam.zmo.de/s/westafrica/item/2087 --