id 5327 Url Modèle de ressource Journal article Classe de ressource bibo:AcademicArticle Titre A Flood, Friday Mosques and the Formation of Local Identity: Hausa Politics and the Impact of Ethnographic Fieldwork in a Village Divided, Maradi (niger) Sujet Hausa people Maradi Region identity Djiratawa Editeur Date 2000 Type Identifiant Q117312329 iwac-reference-0000168 Langue Résumé This article is an attempt to come to grips with the Hausa people's use of the mosque as a political bargaining chip in contestations over the legitimacy of and use of power in Maradi. The reader should be aware that while the subject of this cursory foray into Hausa politics is the village of Jiratawa, there are many regional and national implications to the events examined in this article. The work itself deals with three consecutive Friday mosques in the village and the political machinations surrounding them. Couverture spatiale Liste des auteurs Numéro 2 Dernière page 36 Première page 20 Volume 22 --