id 5292 Url Modèle de ressource Journal article Classe de ressource bibo:AcademicArticle Titre Ženske in islam v urbanem Burkina Fasu : definicije in interpretacije pobožnosti Editeur Date 2006 Type Identifiant Q116150994 iwac-reference-0000151 Langue Résumé This article introduces and analyses concepts and interpretations of piety among Muslim women in urban Burkina Faso and compares them with the understanding of these same concepts in other parts of West Africa. Through personal histories of chosen informants it observes the gap between the discourse and the practice and attempts to understand why these individuals, who most often operate within the same conceptual frames, in practice often do not see or do the things in the same way. Članek predstavi in analizira koncepte in interpretacije pobožnosti pri muslimankah v urbanem Burkina Fasu ter jih primerja z razumevanjem enakih konceptov v drugih delih zahodne Afrike. Skoz osebne zgodbe informatork ugotavlja neskladje med diskurzom in prakso in skuša ugotoviti, zakaj posameznice, ki največkrat delujejo v enakih razumevanjskih okvirih, v praksi stvari ne vidijo, in ne počnejo, na enak način. Couverture spatiale Liste des auteurs Numéro 1 Dernière page 205 Première page 195 Volume 35 --