id 12771 Url Modèle de ressource Journal article Classe de ressource bibo:AcademicArticle Titre The moral and the political in African democratization: The code de la famille in Niger's troubled transition Sujet politics morality democratization family law Editeur Date 1996 Type Identifiant Q116295145 iwac-reference-0000271 Langue Résumé This article considers the political struggle surrounding the set of laws known as the code de la famille (family code) during Niger's 1992–93 transition to a democratic system as a means of examining the rise and decline of various social forces provoked by the transition, as well as for what it reveals about the difficulties that have plagued this new democracy. More importantly, the case provides an opportunity to examine the nature of the transformations subsumed under the rubric of ‘transition to democracy’ in Africa, or indeed elsewhere. The article argues that despite the universalist claims of the conception of ‘democracy’ dominant in international for a, the value system which it incorporates in fact frequently conflicts with prevailing indigenous values. Casting democracy as the search for a moral, rather than a political, order has thus complicated ‐ perhaps at times even doomed ‐ transitions to democracy. Couverture spatiale Liste des auteurs Doi 10.1080/13510349608403466 Numéro 2 Dernière page 68 Première page 41 Volume 3 --