id 12769 Url Modèle de ressource Journal article Classe de ressource bibo:AcademicArticle Titre Marabouts et courants religieux en pays hawsa : dynamique de l'islamisation de la ville de Maradi à la fin du XIXème siècle et durant le XXème siècle Sujet Hausa Kingdoms islamization Maradi Editeur Date 1998 Type Identifiant Q116295180 iwac-reference-0000269 Langue Résumé The Islamization of Maradi, a bastion of resistance to the theocratic empire of Sokoto in the nineteenth century, is unique. From the beginning of the nineteenth century, Muslim groups such as the Marabouts of Wangara — who arrived with the exiled Hausa King of Katsina — were present in Maradi. As in Katsina, they acted as the religious authorities of the city. However, an alliance between Muslim groups in Katina and animist authorities of the Maradi Valley did not favour Wangara proselytizing in the nineteenth century. Only at the beginning of the twentieth century did Wangara religious expertise become known outside the group. Wangara Marabouts also headed the two major Sufi orders of the city, the Qadiriyya and the Umarian Tijaniyya. Nonetheless, their adherence to the Sufi orders was very superficial up to the middle of the twentieth century. Indeed, only in the 1940s did sufism begin to implant itself in Maradi — following the visit of Ibrahim Nyass. About that time, the Tijaniyya, which had predominated over the Qadiriyya, split into two antagonistic groups, the Umarians and the Nyassists. However, their quarrels faded away upon appearance of the izala Wahhabi reform movement in the 1980s which unified the Sufi Marabouts against it. Couverture spatiale Liste des auteurs Doi 10.1080/00083968.1998.10751149 Numéro 3 Dernière page 557 Première page 521 Volume 32 --